Charles Perry, a practicing CPA from Lubbock, was first elected to the Texas Senate in 2014 after serving two terms in the Texas House of Representatives. A life-long West Texan, Perry is a movement conservative seeking to reduce waste and inefficiencies in government.
Perry has been married to his wonderful wife, Jacklyn for over 32 years and together they have a daughter, Jordan, and a son, Matthew. The entire family graduated from Texas Tech University.
Perry currently chairs the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water, and Rural Affairs -- he is the first freshman senator to hold a chairmanship in over 22 years. He also serves as a member on the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice, the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, and the Senate Committee on Higher Education.
During the 84th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature, Perry authored legislation to prohibit sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, phase-out the Texas business tax, increase vocational education and dual credit in our public schools, and put in place common sense caps on government spending. On the issue of water, Senator Perry authored legislation on aquifer storage and recovery and protecting the privacy of private water well production.
As a State Representative, Perry co-authored and helped pass the Voter ID bill to prevent illegal immigrants from fraudulently voting in our elections. His pro-gun legislation and dedication to the Second Amendment earned him one of the few A+ Ratings awarded by the National Rifle Association. He additionally co-authored and helped pass historic pro-life legislation that has earned him the enthusiastic support and endorsement of Texas Right to Life.
In addition to his work in the Legislature, Perry has served his community as president of the Lubbock Boys and Girls Club, American Business Clubs, Community Partners, on the board of the National Council on Family Violence, and the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline. He is also a deacon at his church, Southcrest Baptist.
Perry grew up in in the district he currently represents, graduating from Sweetwater High School in 1980. In 1984, he earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and management information systems from Texas Tech University.
Senator Perry represents the largest Senate District in the State of Texas. There are a total of 51 counties in the district: Lubbock, Tom Green, Childress, Lamb, Hale, Floyd, Motley, Cottle, Hardeman, Foard, Wilbarger, Hockley, Crosby, Dickens, King, Knox, Baylor, Terry, Lynn, Garza, Kent, Stonewall, Haskell, Throckmorton, Dawson, Borden, Scurry, Fisher, Jones, Shackelford, Stephens, Mitchell, Nolan, Eastland, Sterling, Coke, Runnels, Coleman, Mcculloch, Concho, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward, Mason, Kimble, Menard, Schleicher, Sutton and Taylor (partial).
“As a State Representative, Perry successfully carried legislation important to gun owners and was always a vote TSRA could count on. His rating of A+ was more than earned. We look forward to enjoying this type of relationship with Charles Perry as the next Senator from Texas Senate District 28.”
Perry has a proven record for fighting for:
- Tax-relief for Hardworking Texans
- Placing Fiscal Restraints on Government Growth and Spending
- Unborn Life and Our Second Amendment Rights
- Increase Border Security and Stop the Magnets that Encourage Illegal Immigration
- Traditional Family Values
- West Texas Water and Agriculture
- Reducing Regulations on Both Individuals and Businesses